02: Faragonda's Request

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    Griselda's words had described a situation quite different from the one the Winx found in front of them once in the room: the woman sitting behind the desk was almost shining.
    - My dear girls!
    She stood up and smiling came closer to shake their hands. Her eyes were sparkling and she had a warm smile on her face.
    - If Faragonda’s ill, I want to be ill too...- Stella murmured in her friend's ears. Bloom hide her amusement smiling back to the principal.
    - Headmistress Faragonda, we’re happy to find you in good health!-
    The woman waved, as if dismissing the girl's words. - Oh, years pass, it's true, but I still have a few tricks up my sleeve... Sit down, sit down, please! Tell me how are you doing!
    - Well, there's not much to say...
    Faragonda was there during the recent fight against Kalshara and Brafilius and nothing exciting had happened to them in the following months. Great enemies defeats were only the prelude to a more or less short period of rest in which the girls could spend time with their families or the Specialists. Each of them shared the little daily joys of family life and Faragonda smiled warmly at each story.
    - Very well, girls, you know, I miss seeing you around this college. This generation of fairies... well, their reaction to the events of the world is very passive. Truth is, there are no great powers among the fairies of this college. You could help me in this.
    - Alfea will always be our home - replied Aisha - if we can help we will do it gladly.
    The principal smiled even wider.
    - Give me your powers.
    A dense silence fell on the fairies. Stella was the first to react.
    - Give you our powers? What for?
    - It would be interesting to know what brought the six of you to develop them so much when the average fairy is no more skilled than one of the same age from Cloudtower. I just want to analyze them.
    Tecna tilted her head.
    - Surely the technology developed in Fonterossa could analyze them. Should we move there?
    The woman seemed to smile even more and took, from a drawer, an handful of spherical gems, colorful but a little opaque.
    - It's not necessary, just touch one of these spheres. I'll take them to Fonterossa afterwards. Come on... you’re not afraid, aren’t you?
    Tecna moved to reach one of the gems but Bloom grabbed her wrist.
    - All of us? Is one not enough?
    Faragonda's eyes widened as she stared at the girl, her gaze so still it was almost disturbing.
    - You’re not disobeying a request from your beloved headmistress, aren’t you? Come on…
    The principal pushed the gems toward them and they rolled slowly toward the edge of the table. Instinctively, Bloom stood up, pushing back the chair.
    - Girls, don’t touch them!
    There was something in the woman's eyes, something that made her shiver. Faragonda stood up without ceasing to smile and raised a hand.
    - If you insist with this behaviour I'll have to hurt you...
    At these words the girls exchanged a quick look and crossed their arms over their heads.
    - Magic Winx... Butterflyx!
    As the girls took the most powerful form the room filled with lights. Once the transformation was over, the girls faced Faragonda together but were greeted by a nasty surprise.
    - Who is that?!
    Behind the teacher's desk there was a thin and trembling figure with a blue flaming aura around her. Long, smooth black hair were fluttering around her and the face was deformed in a horrible smile.
    The transformation had broken the illusion that surrounded the poor principal: the monster who owned her now had long claws and a face almost completely covered in spiraling black tattoos.
    - I’ll have what I want, by hook or by crook!-
    - What's going on here?
    The door connecting the room to Griselda's office was wide open and the vice principal was looking around grimly.
    - Vice principal Griselda, Faragonda is... -
    Bloom could not finish the sentence: the woman had begun to murmur words of a mysterious language while her austere clothes were changing into a dark blue uniform with a gray armor.
    Griselda's eyes were fixed on Faragonda’s as she spoke and her hands had begun to glow with a very strong light.
    - Tell Griffin that I'm sorry I cannot stand longer than that. You have five days.
    The light in the room was so strong the Winx had to shield their eyes.
    - Your power is not enough to stop me, you fool!
    - And nor is yours, Taleia.
    When the Winx opened their eyes two statues adorned the silent office: a Faragonda of shiny black obsidian and a Griselda of transparent, pure crystal.

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    Edited by i k u - 13/2/2023, 14:23
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